Category: New Mom?


Myths To Avoid Telling Your Child

Myth #1: The justice system will traumatize my child more than the actual abuse. Predators need to be caught and put behind bars and that’s why it’s important to protect young victims of abuse. There are special programs across the country for kids to come together in a safe environment where they can be interviewed. […]

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Babies and Mirrors

From the moment they emerge from the womb there is one thing that babies just seem to be fascinated by and that pretty much never changes. It isn’t a toy or even a color or shape. The one thing all babies gravitate towards as their eyes begin to focus is the human face. We are […]

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Holding Your Child Back

If you’re wondering whether or not your child is mentally and physically ready for school, you may be amongst the many parents that feel this same way. A new study was published in the journal of National Bureau of Economic Research that believe it may be best to hold kids back. The study concluded with […]

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The Food That Pregnant Women Want To Eat

Not eating the recommended fruits and vegetables. When a woman finds out their pregnant, eating the right foods can make a big difference in how they feel, but many don’t follow the rules. In fact, 70 percent of women have admitted they started eating healthier when they found out they were pregnant, but only 37 […]

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Target Policy is Fair to Nursing Mothers

A photo posted on Mama’s Milkies Facebook page and then later on Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook Group earlier in July attracted a lot of attention from followers. The photo was a hazy picture someone had taken Target’s policy when it comes to mothers breastfeeding in their store reported TODAY. The Policy states: Guests may openly […]

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Things To Know After You Deliver Your Baby

If you’re worried about how your body looks after you just delivered a baby, try not to worry too much. If you’re comparing yourself to celebrities who have expensive trainers to help them slim down, that might not be the fair thing to do. Instead of feeling sad and having unrealistic expectations about the way […]

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Even Royal Second Babies Are Easier

The royal family recently made a discovery that many parents could have told them. In an interview Prince Charles said they were finding Princess Charlotte is a much a easier baby than her brother, first born Prince George. It seems even in royal households, second babies are easier on the parents and even the grandparents. […]

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Spoiled Child or Healthy Baby?

Parents rarely make it through their offspring’s life without hearing the negatives and positives of how they’re parenting. New parents can get in the habit of consistently letting baby manipulate them, often entirely. Attachment parenting isn’t the same as directly giving your child everything. It’s really all about creating a good balance when saying “yes” […]

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Is Your Child Constipated?

Constipation often gets misinterpreted as being the amount of bowel movements a person has in a day, but it actually is referred to as being the compactness of stools in the body, and not able to pass them. It happens because the muscles at the end of the large intestine tighten, which prevents the stool […]

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New Mom Beauty Mistakes

When a mother delivers a new baby, this often means that her beauty routine she once had, will be a distant memory. Whether its barely getting enough sleep, or struggling between breastfeeding and bottle feeding, a new mother doesn’t have the time to invest in a make-up regimen. When this happens, mothers find themselves making […]

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Kindergarten Form: Vaginal or Cesarean?

Cara Paiuk, a Connecticut mother was outraged when she came across a question on her son’s Kindergarten application. The forms, which were being filled out by her husband, asked if she had given birth vaginally or through a cesarean. Paiuk told Yahoo Parenting, that she ripped the form out of her husband’s hands when she […]

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When Will My Child Be Ready

Its almost inevitable to hear the question “When will my child be able to..?” This is the same thing as asking “ When will my child grow an inch taller?” Due to each and every child being different, they also have an inner timetable, invisible to the naked eye. Doctors or friends can make educated […]

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